House of Raeford’s FLOCK gives teachers Amazon gift cards to recognize good job

House of Raeford’s FLOCK philanthropic organization presented three Lexington School District Two teachers with Amazon gifts cards valued at $350, Friday. Each teacher was selected by their principals and chosen because of their commitment to their dedication.
The teachers receiving the gifts include: Ryann Gaffney of Cayce Elementary School; Bailey Pearson of Busbee Creative Arts Center; and Kim Smartt of Northside Middle School.
It’s an effort to do something good for those who deserve it.

“FLOCK has a goal to every day have a positive impact on our community,” said Chuck Underhill, who oversees FLOCK locally. “Getting to bless teachers is an exciting way to impact not only these educators, but their students, teams and our entire district.
The teachers love the acknowledgement.
“It was amazing to be recognized and I feel so grateful to be able to work with my Cayce family everyday. I plan on using the gift card to purchase some snacks for my room and maybe a few things to Sharpen the Saw.” said Gaffney of Cayce Elementary.
Busbee Principal Stephanie Hucks said Pearson is an exceptional teacher.

Smartt’s class.
Smartt’s class.
“Mr. Pearson goes above and beyond what we ask of him,” said Hucks. “He works with all students on all levels. He works with them on his lunch break. Mr. Pearson is a team player and helps with extra curricular activities, too. He steps up when we need him.”
Mary Page Damm is the principle at Northside Middle. She said when she was asked to name a phenomenal and dedicated teacher, Ms Smart was the first one she thought of. Smartt held back tears when she was informed that she had been selected.
Damm also thanked FLOCK for recognizing teachers.
“We very appreciative of the partnership you have with our schools,” she told Underhill.

Cayce Elementary Asst. Principal Allyson Long, Chuck Underhill and Ryann Gaffney.

Chuck Underhill, Bailey Pearson, Busbee Principal Stephanie Hucks.

Kim Smartt, Chcuk Underhill, Northside Principal Mary Page Damm