House of Raeford to put crosswalk at plant on Sunset Boulevard
West Columbia City Council moved to help make a crosswalk on Sunset Boulevard a reality, at its meeting on Aug. 2.
Council voted to accept $45,000 in “C” Funds from Lexington County that authorizes “the City Administrator to negotiate a contract agreement with the House of Raeford.” The move also authorizes “the city to manage the HAWK (High-Intensity Activated crossWalK beacon) Pedestrian Crossing System Project.”
House of Raeford will pay the rest of the cost to have the crosswalk installed. Not timetable was given, but negotiations on the project are imminent.
Council members Dale Harley and Casey Hallman commended House of Raeford for moving to get the crosswalk placed at the section in front of the plant- where its many workers cross to get to their jobs. Mayor Bobby Horton said increasing safety at the location is imperative.
A company official also said the crosswalk will be good for employees and motorists.