House of Raeford chicks help Lexington 2 K5 students learn about fowl life
A lot of chicks hatched this week at three Lexington Two elementary schools. House of Raeford delivered eggs to Cayce Elementary School, Riverbank Elementary and Saluda River Academy for the Arts, so kindergarten students could see the baby chicks emerge from their shells.
“It’s so exciting for them to see the chicks,” said Tressie Derrick, K5 teacher at SRAA. “We teach them about habitat, environment and and so much more.”
“We teach them what birds make their nests from. Some use pine straw, others will use sticks,” said Lucy Collins, an assistant in the K5 class who shows the students examples of different birds nests.
Chuck Underhill of House of Raeford oversees the delivery of the chicks to the schools each year.
“Of course education is very important to us,” he said. “It helps too when we can put a smile on the faces of these children.”
Sherry page teaches kindergarten at Cayce Elementary.
“They love the baby chicks,” she said as she handed two just-hatched baby birds to My’iana and Christopher.
Students at Riverbank gathered in a circle waiting for their K5 teacher, Sherry Floyd, to take the chicks from their box so the students could hold them.
The reaction was audible and each student anxiously waited for their chance to pick up a chick.
“They love them,” Floyd said.
Tracy Floyd and Riverbank students. My’iana and Christopher at Cayce elementary Tressie Derrick and Lucy Collins at SRAA