1 A Chamber schools

Helen Craig named Lexington 4 Student of the Quarter, Miranda Grice named Lexington School District 4 Educator of the Quarter, at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast

Helen Craig, a senior at Swansea High School was named as the Lexington School District Four Student of the Quarter, Tuesday during the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Business Breakfast. The breakfast was held at Lexington Medical Center’s Biediger Auditorium in West Columbia.

Helen is pictured with SHS Principal Marcia Seawright, C-CW Chamber Board President Lindsay Miles and Board Member Byron Thomas.

Miranda Grice, a teacher at the Lexington Four Early Childhood Center was named Lexington School District Four Educator of the Quarter, Tuesday during the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Business Breakfast. Miranda is also the Lexington Four District Teacher of the Year.

Miranda is pictured with Lexington Four ECC Principal Sonya Harrison-Young, C-CW Chamber Board President Lindsay Miles and Board Member Byron Thomas.

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