Greater C-WC Chamber receives Excellence in Communications Award for “Where’s Tim” – “love local” campaign
The Greater CWC Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Programs was recognized by the Carolinas Chamber of Commerce Association of Executives for Excellence in Communications, last Thursday.
“This is very special, as our Chamber was in competition with other Chambers throughout South Carolina and North Carolina,” stated Chamber Board Chair Hayley Bowers, Vice President of MB Kahn.
The announcement of the award came during the CACCE Annual Training session in Hilton Head. The Greater CWC Chamber was recognized, specifically, for excellence in communications and their “Where’s Tim” Social Media program.
The “Where’s Tim” program was initiated to promote the Chamber of Commerce members, as well as tourism and events via a social media platform. While Chamber staff or Board members cannot attend all functions, the fun twist to the program is having a “stand up cut out” of the CEO to “stand in” when needed. “Having the stand up in our lobby for several days created a lot of fun for our customers and staff, having photos taken and posted that highlighted our business and community”, said Mark Mossell of First Citizens Bank.
“We are honored to be recognized by the Carolinas Executive Association. The intent of this program has been to use social media to highlight the great businesses and events that our community offers- it’s one of many avenues our Chamber and Visitor Programs uses to grow our economic drive,” said Tim James, CEO and President.
Recently the Chamber held an Ambassador after hours event at Bogarts Restaurant which was arranged by Kathleen Hoover of PAG Marketing, “Part of our evening fun was posting individual company photos with the “Where’s Tim” program,” said Kathleen.
The award winning concept was staff generated with the assistance of Sun Solutions who made the stand-up, and touching an average of 800 local business leaders each week.