Grace Baptist Church recognized by City Council for 60th Anniversary

West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles and City Council presented Grace Baptist Church with a resolution recognizing the church for its 60th Anniversary.
The presentation was made at Tuesday’s March Regular Council Meeting. Pictured from council are Councilman Mike Green and Mayor Pro-Tem Jimmy Brooks.
A Resolution Recognizing Grace Baptist Church for Its 60th Anniversary
Whereas, Grace Baptist Church was founded on December 16, 1960 by a handful of godly men and dedicated Christians who were led to establish a solid, Bible-preaching, missionary-minded, Christ-centered Baptist Church in West Columbia; and
Whereas, Grace Baptist Church currently has 800 active members. The church has been served by six full-time Senior Pastors over the last 60 years. Its most recent pastor, Dr. Bill Egerdahl, retired in January 2020. Grace Baptist currently has three assistant pastors: Dr. David Smith, Pastor Brandon Allen, and Pastor Chris Martin. Pastor Jacinto Aguilar also serves as the Pastor of Grace Baptist’s Hispanic church; and
Whereas, Grace Baptist Church sits on approximately 13 acres of land. The church has built a Family Life Center, athletic fields, and a new auditorium. The church established Grace Day Care and
Christian School in 1973 and currently has 250 students enrolled in the day care through 12th grade program; and
Whereas, Grace Baptist Church supports over 125 missionaries and missions organizations worldwide and hosts a yearly Missions Conference
The church has an active bus ministry and prison ministry as well as an Awana program for children. The church hosts community events such as Patriotic Sunday, revival services, Beat the Heat Sunday in July, vacation Bible school, a fall festival, and an annual Christmas cantata and children’s program; and
Whereas, Grace Baptist Church will celebrate its 60 anniversary with a special service on Sunday, March 15, 2020; and
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of West Columbia does hereby recognize and congratulate Grace Baptist Church on its 60th anniversary. The Mayor and City Council expresses its gratitude and extends its appreciation to the Pastors, staff, and members of Grace Baptist Church for the many years of dedicated service to the West Columbia community.
Adopted this 3rd day of March 2020