Governor extends SC public schools closing until April 30

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster announced an extension of the public school closings, Tuesday, because the coronavirus, crisis.
Public K-12 schools will be closed through the end of April, according to a release from the governor’s office.
McMaster initially closed schools through the end of March, using an executive order issued March 15.
McMaster and State Education Superintendent Molly Spearman issued the following joint statement:
“At this time, students, parents, and families should plan for South Carolina’s schools to remain closed through the month of April. Our dedicated teachers and school administrators have done a tremendous job in making it possible for our students to learn at home. We understand that the prospect of schools remaining closed for an extended period of time places stress and strain on parents and children. Rest assured, if there is any way to safely open our schools earlier, we will do that, but schools must remain closed to protect the health and safety of South Carolinians.”
The closing applies to all public colleges, universities, and technical colleges, as well.
As of Monday, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control reported 298 cases of coronavirus in the state. Five people have died.