Get Cindy Roof Wilkerson annual BBQ Chicken Benefit tickets
Tickets are now available at The Springdale Town Hall for the Cindy Roof Wilkerson annual BBQ Chicken Benefit. The town will be selling tickets until Feb. 28. Come by Town Hall at 2915 Platt Springs Road to purchase your ticket. Or call 803-794-0408.
Wilkerson was the physical education teacher at Springdale Elementary School. She died of brain cancer in February of 2012. She taught P.E. For 25 years.
Wilkerson was known as a friend to everyone, who touched many lives and was always working to enhance the physical fitness and health of her students. Wilkerson also wanted to build a fitness zone at Springdale Elementary.
Proceeds go to “Cindy’s Place Healthy Fitness Zone.” That consists of outdoor learning centers, fitness equipment and eventually an outdoor amphitheater. The Fitness Zone is on the grounds of Springdale Elementary.