Gervais Street Bridge Dinner is host to 1500 on a perfect day
The annual Gervais Street Bridge Dinner hosted more than 1,500 people, Sunday afternoon, into the evening on the bridge that connects West Columbia and Columbia. The Bridge Dinner, which began in 2015, is a production of the nonprofit Carolina Together.
“We are many towns in the Midlands but we’re one community and there’s nothing that says that better than this event with all of us meeting on this bridge,” said West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles.
“This is really an incredible event. 1,500 of your closest friends are hanging out,” said Columbia Mayor Daniel Rickenmann.
“It’s a beautiful day, if not perfect,” said Neil Boone, marketing and communications director for Carolina Together. “It’s great to see so many people having such a great time, here. And we’re helping so many others with the proceeds from this event.” The Tams provided live music and Judi Gatson of WIS was the emcee.
Proceeds from the Bridge Dinner go to help charities in in Richland and Lexington counties, including: Cancer of Many Colors, Inc; Girls on the Run Columbia; Growing Home Southeast; Happy Wheels; Keep the Midlands Beautiful; Sole Stepping; The Big Red Barn Retreat; Canoeing for Kids; The Cooperative Ministry; The Friendship; and Palmetto Place Children and Youth Services.
Businesses providing food and drink, Sunday, included: Hudson’s Classic Catering; Bourbon; Indah Coffee; and Always Original Bakery.