Foster children to get “Journey Bags”

Some children in foster care will get some needed items thanks to a donation.
The Forgotten Initiative – part of Lifesong for Orphan, delivered “Journey Bags” to SAFY (Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth) in Columbia Wednesday morning with a little help from House of Raeford. The bags will go to children as they enter into foster care. The bags contain toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, pajamas, personal hygiene items and other necessities for children.
The Journey Bags are a comfort to children entering a foster care situation, said Tamara Hanna, SAFY Foster Parent Recruiter.
“They are very-much needed, and we are very appreciative of the gift,” Hanna said. “It will really help.”
The children being cared for by SAFY often do not have much with them when they are placed into foster care. The bags give them some basic essentials to get by.
Donation of the bags was coordinated through Rachel Lawrence, of Lifesong for Orphans with the help of House of Raeford.
“Our mission is to bring joy and purpose to the foster care community” said Lawrence. “We mentor and support the foster care community.”
House of Raeford purchased the Journey Bags on a request from The Forgotten initiative.
“It continues to be one of House of Raeford’s greatest efforts, to positively impact the lives of young people. Our hope is that there would never be a need for these Journey Bags, the same way we hope that no child would ever need to enter foster care,” said Chuck Underhill of House of Raeford’s FLOCK. “But for now, though, we relish the opportunity to support awesome organizations like The Forgotten Initiative and SAFY. We hope our partnership will encourage many more to love foster care, become foster parents, and encourage those who make many sacrifices to positively impact the lives of young people across our community.”
Acccess The Forgotten Initiiative, Lifesong and SAFY at: http://www.theforgotteninitiative.org and www.lifesongfororphans.org<http://www.lifesongfororphans.org> and www.safy.org<http://www.safy.org>
Each organization can be found on Facebook, too.
More info on House of Raeford and FLOCK can be found at http://houseofraeford.com