Former West Columbia Mayor Earle Williams has died at age 101

Mr. Earle Williams, age 101, died Thursday afternoon.
“He passed away this afternoon,” said his nephew Bill Mooneyhan. “He had a full life and he was a happy man.”
Mooneyhand said funeral arrangements have not been finalized, but the family hopes to have a service on Sunday. An announcement with complete funeral plans is expected Friday.
Link: Earle Williams celebrates 100th Birthday in 2015
Williams, who was the mayor of West Columbia from 1955-to-1975, is a 1934 graduate of Brookland-Cayce High School. He earned letters in football, baseball and track at BC. He is in the school’s Hall-of-Fame for baseball. Williams, a veteran of World War II, also played Textile League Baseball for Mt. Vernon Mills, where he worked as a purchasing agent for 40 years.