Former West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton, Valedictorians pen message for Class of 2020; list of Airport, Brookland-Cayce graduates

It’s the last week of school, and hundreds of high school students are looking to the next chapter of their lives.
The Class of 2020 from Airport High School and Brookland-Cayce High School grew up in West Columbia and the surrounding area. It is a vibrant and nurturing community, rich in cultural diversity and opportunity. The people here have helped prepare today’s students for their future.
Below are graduation messages from former West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton, Airport Valedictorian Ashleigh Grace Smith and Brookland-Cayce
Valedictorian Edward Benjamin Welch.
There is also a list of the Airport High School and Brookland-Cayce High 2020 graduates.

Message from former West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton:
“Graduation from High School is not the end; it is just the beginning of a period of decision making. What kind of career do you want in my life and how will you prepare for it? Do you have to get a college degree to achieve it? Or would specialization at a technical school prepare you for your goals? From this point forward the decisions you make about a career as an adult must be guided by your decision to do your very best whatever the challenge. In every career there are bumps in the road, but also mountain highs to enjoy. Learning from mistakes is the beginning of true wisdom.”

Message from Airport Validictorian Ashleigh Grace Smith:
“Every year, from kindergarten all the way up until senior year, has had an impact on my future. I have met so many lifelong friends, and I have made endless memories, but I am very thankful for one specific opportunity. In Lexington School District Two, both high schools’ students have the opportunity to take college classes at Midlands Tech. Because of this, I will be attending Anderson University as a sophomore and will be able to complete their nursing program early. This is allowing me to go right into nurse practitioner school and get started in my career early. I’m very thankful for each teacher and staff member at Lex2 for their help in preparing me for this next journey.”

Message from Brookland-Cayce Valedictorian Edward Benjamin Welch:
“My time in school had an important impact on my life. It gave me friends, mentors, and valuable experiences that I will carry with me forever. My great teachers and great friends early on at Pineview Elementary set me on the right path. I’ve been incredibly blessed by my experience in my schools and in my community. I feel ready to join a larger world and make a difference in the lives of others thanks to the supportive and inspiring people that helped me along the way.”
KEY: + Honor graduate ++ High Honor graduate * Honor with Distinction
^ Early College Scholar
AHS 2020 graduates – Valedictorian: Ashleigh Grace Smith;
Salutatorian: Rose May Branton

Gabriella Jeanette Adkins ++ Carlos Nahun Aguirre Diaz; Kimberly Alarcon; Reece Parker Allen +; Sasha Noel Allen +; Dashon Melik Antonio Anderson; Noah Isaiah Anderson ++; Carl Dakota Anthony +; Zoe Linda Aragon; Brooke Sybil Baker ++; Lakaila Leanna Bannister ++; Toriek DeAngelo Barnwell; Anjelina Marie Barrs ++; Justin Tyler Barton +; Lizbeth Bautista; Camron Tyler Beckham +; Parker Joshua Blackwell; Javon Donyell Blanks; Amaya Labreasha Blount; Amber Victoria Rose Boggs; JaLa’el Shamone Booth; Rusti Alexandria Boulware ++; Natalie Elisabeth Bradwell ++; Rose May Branton*; Brandon Chase Brazell; Elizabeth Betty Brazell ++; Caroline Helen Brazell-Derrick; Meghan Kaitlin Brewer ++; Issac Tri-John Brooks; Julion Shermar Davis Brooks; Taliyah Monique Brown +; Briana Elizabeth Bruster; Daniel Bryan Buenrrostro; John Bradley Burnham; Rosemarie Mae Caballero *; Jahiem Tazjuan Ladon Caldwell; India Imani Candelario +; Albert Isaiah Cardwell; Sara Grace Cashwell ++; Samantha Castillo +; Steven Tyler Castillo-Groff; Casie Cheyanne Castles ++; Charles William Chandler *; Emma Jean Chandler *; Cory Matthew Chapman ++; Hunter Bryce Chapman; Alfonso Chavero; Baileigh Allison Cheeks *^; Amanda Lea Chooweenam; McKenzie Grace Christopher; Jeshuahjyn Chubbuck; Lillie Nykol Coffman +; Zion Marquial Tenilieis Cokley; Sandra Renne Coleman; Faith Elizabeth Comstock; Lucero Contreras Rosales *; Amber Lynette Cook +; Caliegh Nykeria Corbitt ++; Taliegh Nyderia Corbitt ++; Jaxsen Moose Crawford; SuTroija Denice Crowder; Katelynne Ashley Cupstid; Lee-Anayia Quanae Doroth Davis; Julian Marcel Dawkins Jr.; Jasmine Rene’ Dewerdt *; Austin Kyle Dickerson +; Marquise Travious Dixon; Kenyatta Eugene Draft; Ashley Destiney Dubose; Brianna Nicole Duke +; Victoria Latrice Dunbar *; Emerald Faith Edmond ++; Cody Charles Ellisor; Destiny Marie-Ann Emerson +; Autumn Katelyn Farris ++; Nicholas Wesley Fenn; Yulisa Flores; Ashton Brice Folden +; Jameca Shyrell Fredrick; Marcus Brian Gadsden ++; Areanny Fahisset Garcia ++; Coleman Thomas Garner *; Stanley NyQuan Garner; Chloe Morgan German +; James Jack Germany +; Brendan Kisiah-Talmadge Gillis +; Markco Adam Gilmore Jr. ++; Tyler Joemar Gilmore; Alice Kayann Glass +; Steve John Gomez Mays; Joana Kassandra Gonzalez Armenta *; A’llaijah Mariah Graham; Lasira Nicole Graham; Davionna Cierra Green; Deonte Xavier Grier; Hailey Christine Gunter ++; Daemian Neal Hall; Shanteria Montasia Harris *; Chloe Ashanti Harrison-Sampson; Kristina Louise Hartley ++; Jayden Nevaeh Jewell Hatfield *; Joseph Andrew Hawkins; Kaile Chyane Hawkins +; Olivia Rae Henderson *^; Amerah Shantell Henning; Ashlyn Nichole Herman; Briana Hernandez ++; Kalaysia Monet Hodges +; Elijah Lee Holmes +; Baylee Elizabeth Hook ++; Bradlee Taylor Hook +; Caleb Aaron Hoover; Alexander Charles Hoskins +; Kimberly Diasia Monique Humes *; Brian Jair Ibarra Gregorio; Fiona Anne Isbell; Citlali Izaguirre +; Tyanna Angela Jackson; Marissa Leigh Jacobs ++; R’Moni Cedaria Jarvis *^; Danashia Shaliyah Jason; Nathan Michael Jeffcoat; Ahmad Kentrell Johnson; Cameron Nicole Johnson ++; Kailyn Alexis Johnson; Trucker Cole Johnson ++; Anneliese Barbrann Jones +; Dylan Scott Jones +; Jasmine Alexis Ruth Jones; Xochilt Juarez; Kaitlyn McKennzie Keith +; Jay-Lynn Tamara Kenner; Barbara Jean Kenyon; Richard Lee Kenyon Jr.; Kaila Simone Kimbrough *; Katie Ellen Kyzer *; Samuel Leland LaFrage *^; Nanders Deshon Lawrence; Mary Laurel Lawson ++; Christopher Jacob LeBeau; Elizabeth Ann Liles; Jy’Aisha Imari Lloyd; Shy’da Nanette-Mack Lloyd +; Stefhani Joana Lopez-Lopez ++; Austin Sadie Lucas *; Linnard Lundy Jr.; MaKayla Elizabeth Lykes *; Ulyssa Nicole Lykes +; Cody Lavell Lynch; Dewayne Eugene Mack Jr.; Teeyana Whydia Mack; Zaria Rayale Mack +; Karson Allen Mann ++; Quayjana Shaliyah Marshall +; Madison Nichole Martin +; Nicholas Daniel Martin; Zarria Shytavia McBride; Miracle Dachelle McCray; Christopher Lee McKay; Nikki Lynn McKay; Devon JeDon McMillan; Nicholas Jordan Meyers; Sydney Micala Miller *; Vincent Mandrell Minor; Antonio Monroe Mitchell; Stace Maurice Mitchell Jr.; Tionna La’Jada Mitchell; McKenzie Ruth Monts ++; William Thomas Ballington Moore; Ricardo Manuel Morales Gonzalez *; Estrella Moroyoqui-Salinas +; Shelby Ashton Morris ++; Darius Isaiah Muller; Ty-Wain Craig Myers; Tracy Taylor Nelson Jr. ++; Stephanie Nicole Nichols ++; Emily Samantha Ortega Lopez *^; Lillara Anne Osborne +; Broxton Zane Ottinger ++; Yailene Pacheco; Dylan Lee Padgett *^; Starla Vadelle Parker; Olivia Marie Pate; Alaine Elissa Pauling; Amelia Marie Pellerano; Elysha Judith Perez Sanchez; Dennis Amado Perez-Lopez +; Bryan Thatcher Pierson; William Scott Plantz +; Lauren Michelle Pope ++^; Daniel Geovany Posas; Darryl Pou Jr.; Reginald Giovanni Price Jr. ++; Destiny Aubriana Pugh; Maxwell Ze’Andrea Purdie Jr.; Hunter Wilson Purvis +; Alberto Quintana; Ruben Quintana; Paola Crystal Rafael Perez; Paola Lizmarie Ramirez Aquino; Yuliana Ramirez Ortega; Angie Liliana Raviela Gopar; Jayda Nichole Reece +; Mary-Ellen Pulliam Reese ++; Drew Douglas Rennison; Stephanie Reyes Lopez +; Carlos Alexander Reynoso Martinez; Yaqquir Yoshua Rhodes; Morgan Elaine Ricard *; Kayla Diamond Richardson +; Kallie Christene Richbourg *; Kemani Kamillah Riley ++; Haden Braxton Rimer; Madison Lee Ritchie; Cory James Rivers Jr.; Charles Austin Robertson; Geena Marie Rocanella *; Abigail Marie Ross +; Connor Daniel Rushing; Collins Aworie Bartus Sackie; Clara Ann Sanders; Jeniffer Jeannette Santiago; Daequan Zamari Frederick Scott; Indiyah Andrea Scott; Katelyn Arabella Sevinsky *; Emily Anne Shafer ++; Quincy Antonio Shepherd; Noah Austin Shumpert; William Austin Simms *; Chardae Courtnee Simpson ++; Jordan Camille Skinner *^; Brandon Joseph Slice ++; Ashleigh Grace Smith *^ ; Charles Harrison Smith III +; Joy Nicole Smith; Syashia Iesha Smith *; Bryson Lee Spires; Rachel Olivia Spooner ++; Harvey Bruce Staley Jr. +; Jamie Gerald Staley; Nia Symone Stevens ++; Megan Alicia Stokes; Nyashia Jo’lelia Kannessah Stokes; Andrew Tyler Stuart; Reagan Ashley Sturkie ++; Andie Lynn Suggs +; Brandon Lee Suggs Jr.; Skylar Faith Talton ++; Grace Brooklynn Tatum*; Caleigh Rayne Taylor *; Payton James Taylor +; Elizabeth Tenjhay *; Shontel Nicole Thomas; Zania Marquisha Thompson; Thailia Lorraine Thurmond *; Jahmari Norris Titer; Whitney Alexis Tosie ++; Samantha Halie Turner *^; Sarah Abigail Twitty *; Stephen Blake Vaughn; Victor Manuel Vazquez Collazo; Jobert Dominic Moore Vego +; Jose’ de Jesus Velazquez Ambriz +; Sofia Elina Villagomez ++; Christian Rafael Villegas; Jala Alexis Walker *; Anthony Tavalph Washington; SeQuan Bartholomew Washington; Ali Nasad Waters; Ashleigh Kaye Watson +; Hailei Marie Watts +^; Angell Kaylynn Weaver *; Jayden Angel Weed; Karrington Alexis Weston +; Kayden Allyssia Weston *; Joshua Lamont White; Dana Nicole Whiteside ++; Parker O’Neal Whittle *^; Glenn Edwin Wiley +; Liana Ashlynn Wiley *; Cydney Haden Williams *; Robert James Williams *; Sammea Patricia Williams; Tre’von Damarius Williams; Bruce Lanier Williamson III ++; Erica Noel Woodhams +; Tyler Dane Woodruff; Sebastian Lukas Yost ++; Ivan Isaiah Young; Sydney McKenna Young ++; Amea Jerae Zeigler ++
BCHS 2020 Graduates – Valedictorian: Edward Benjamin Welch – Salutatorian: Paw Der

Bryce Thomas Addy; Cason Michael Adkins; Alexis Leigh Affronti; Yoel Alvarez Perez; Princess Khajohnna Mariliyah Anderson; Arian Manuel Angel; Logan Michael Artlip +; Lavona Chantel Austin-Inabinett; Kaylin Renee Barton; Justin Belteton; Mallory Bryce Berry +^; Courtney Anne Bingham ++^; Jacob Henry Blalock *; Ethan Christopher Bouknight +; India Miller Bowers +; Kieran O’Brian Bowers +; Ja’ juan De’jour Bracey; Charity Bethani Briggs +; Emanuel Malachi Brown; Hannah Grace Brown; Zayvanna Alexis Brown; Austin Jacob Burg; Alexis Lynn Burkett +; Anna Marie Burkett ++; Alan Kirk Byars Jr.; Nelson Alexander Cabrera Juárez; Skylar Madison Charon Carder; Brandon Jacob Cassidy *; Alex Bonifacio Castañón Domingo; Joe Blair Castles IV *; McKenna Marie Cates; Kennia Concepcion Cepeda Lara; Da’Jon Tiese Chaplin; Javiya Ashinti Denise Chatman; Riley Christine Cook +; Nathan Lee Corley *; Caroline McKay Daniels ++; Hazel Zahria Daniels +; Ya’Nyia Zamar Daniels; Sharonda Coraletta Davis; Sophia Pier Davis; Lindsey Brooke Day ++; Paw Der *; Kara Sydney Drawdy; Dymani Monet Dwyer +; Brandon Scott Edwards; Jahmir Nyshawn Edwards; Eh Ter Ler Eh; Benjamin Rusk Elam; Aubrey Erby Ellisor ++; Kobie Derrial Ellisor; Jesus Steve Elox Gabriel; Brianna Chloe’ Flanagan *; Paulina Stephanie Flores; Thomas Michael Freeman ++; Garrett Allen Galloway Jr. *; Tony Anthony Glenn Jr.; Timea Nicole Glover; Anna Maria Gonzales; Yessy Michelle Gonzalez Avila; Guadalupe Sarai Gonzalez-Morales; Ahmad Edward Gordon; Catherine MacKenzie Hafer *; Destiny Nicole Hagins; Dawanyeh Monique Hagler; Kwahlie Rasheed Hall; Kaitlyn Michelle Hallman +; Autumn Elizabeth Harsey; Sierra August Hayes +; Elise Robbins Heffner +; Jacob Todd Hewitt *; Kaden Jamesenn Hicks ++; Lacey Kaitlyn Holladay; Jeremiah Datrell Holmes; Aaliyah Shardai Howell; Brianna Letitia Howell ++; Diamond Dominque Huggins; Dolores Julianne Hulon; Dalia Yadira Iniguez-Gonzalez; Matias Ngozi Moise Isaac ++; April Lynn Jackson; Emanie Brianna Jeffers ++; Chamiracle Isadella Jones; Damani Charles Deontra Jones; Jaylen Louis Joyner; Yadira Raquel Juárez Cabrera; Josue Esau Juarez Damazo; Emilee Madison Kegg; Tanner Bayne Knotts; Samantha Jean Koenig ++; Corey Johnathan Robert Kohler; Adam McRae Krissinger *; Duke Maxwell Levi +; Brooklynn Mikayla Linnen; Andre’ Janorri Long; Jackson Randall Long +; Jenifer Lopez; Kaylee Myshaun Lyles; Breanna Leigh Mack; Janetta Denise Macon +; Ma’Liah Danielle Maddox *; Abel Manilla; Cha’mar Jaylen Martin; Hayley Rose Martin *; McCayla Chastity Martin; Armoni Marshea McCormick; Zykeese La Tron McCoy; Kaylee Liesha McKie; Kim’Yetta Aaliy Melton; Lesli Sobeyda Mercado Centeno; Keon Wincellus Middleton; La’Tia Ky’Andra Middleton +; Jordan Marie Miller; Brian Matthew Mims; Hsa Ku Moo ++; Dez Montreon Ja Shyne Moore +; Mary Elizabeth Morey; Ty Clifton Morris; Johnathan Jared Mosley; Sharon Rose Cibwabwa Mukendi *; D’Andrik Tre’Mon Arthur Myers; Trace David Nelson; Ana Celeste Neville; Timothy Daniel Norris ++; TaNa’Jah Ke’Asijhane-Minnae Oliver; Kyree Tremaine Oxendine; Cyhiem Javon Patterson; Shaun Charles Peter; Anthony Chase Phillips; Timothy Lewis-Curtis Pitts; Ke’Jauna Oniya Pough ++; Tailyn Nykerria President +; Erin Bryce Grace Pridgen; Justin David Rabon; Gerardo Ramirez Perez +; Ivie Daejanay Randolph; Benjamin Nathanael Reep; April Reynoso-Vera +; Keiyondra Keyana Richardson; Quincey Kirk Riley *; Quinten Alexander Riley; Trevon Markiethes Riley; Bailey Renee Rodgers ++; Austin Thomas Henry Roland +; Lashonte Dominique Roman; Maria De Jesus Rubio Arteaga *; Haley Nicole Russo; Savannah Gabrielle Ryals; Alicia Denise Samuel; Skylar Amil Sanders; Austin James Sears; Holland Elizabeth Shaw; Joshua Aaron Shivers; James Maxwell Sims; Abbigail MacKenzie Smith; Kely Sarulma Sontay-Velasquez; Hampton W Stutler; James Matthew Teeter; Isaiah Fallah Thomas; Jason Eagle Thongsirimongkhon; London Ezekial Tillmon; Nyaw Lar Too ++; Samuel Faulcon Trochesset; Khai Minh Truong *; Kayla Alexandria Ware; Amber Britney Warren ++; Tre’voir Darnell Washington +; Kaleigh Addison Watts; Dargan James Weaver +; Brady Davis Weed IV; Edward Benjamin Welch V *; Darrein Jerry White; Kelsy Jean White ++^; Thomas Wesley Williamson III +; Allen Matthew Wilson; Jamari Chante Wright +; Alexus Marie Yates +; Taylor Michael Yeargan; Savannah Maria Young ++; Hector Steven Zelaya