Filing for West Columbia mayor’s race opens Monday

The signs are out that it’s an election year.
Filing for the West Columbia Mayor’s office opens Monday (Aug. 10.)
Filing for the council seats opened Friday (Aug. 7.) according to Dean Crepes Lexington County Voter Registration and Elections director. Filing closes on Aug. 21.
Bobby Horton, former West Columbia mayor, has announced he will challenge incumbent mayor Joe Owens. Owens said he will run for re-election.
Also in West Columbia, city council seats two, four, six and eight are open.
Chuck Underhill has announced he will challenge incumbent Tem Miles in West Columbia
District 4 seat. Jimmy Brooks has announced he will challenge Council Chairman B.J. Unthan for the District 6 seat.
In Springdale three council seats are open.
Candidates for offices can contact the Lexington County Voter Registration and Elections Office at (803) 785-8361. The office is 605 West Main St, Lexington.
A Statement of Candidacy must be turned in along with filing fees.
A Statement of Economic Interest form must also be completed on-line with the Ethics Commission and Campaign Disclosure submitted, both according to Ethics Commission requirements.
Registration for voters in the upcoming election must be completed by October 3. To register, update, or obtain information on absentee ballots, contact the Lexington County Board of Voter Registration
at (803) 785-8361.