Featured Artists Selected for Columbia Metropolitan’s Art in the Airport
From Lynne Douglas – Columbia Metropolitan Airport. Columbia Metropolitan Airport has announced the selected artists for its 2020 – 2021 Art in the Airport Program. Over 115 submissions were received from local artists reflecting the impressive talents of the art community.
Four artists were selected to exhibit their artwork for the upcoming season:
o Christopher Garvey (October 2020 – January 2021)
o Ija Charles (February 2021 – May 2021)
o Sonya Diimmler (June 2021 – September 2021)
o Harold Branham (October 2021 – January 2022)
“CAE’s Art in the Airport Program provides a wonderful opportunity to showcase works of art created by artists right here in the Midlands,” said Kim Jamieson, CAE’s Director of Marketing and Air Service Development. “The art program is also intended to enhance our travelers’ experience while creating a sense of place within the airport. Once a traveler lands, these works of art will be the first artistic and cultural touchpoints to the region.”
The exhibit location will be in the connector of the terminal, the walkway between the security checkpoint and the departure/arrival gates.
The airport staff thanked all of the artists who applied to be a part of the first season. We look forward to more opportunities in the future, through our Art in the Airport Program, to showcase our region’s multi-talented art community.