European Business Day hosted by Mota Crosslinking Business Academy

Mota Crosslinking Business Academy held the first European Business Day, Friday. European Business Day has also been proclaimed by the City of West Columbia and the City of Columbia.
The festivities kicked off with guest speaker, Alan Geoghegan, of British and French descent sharing his experiences living and working in Europe. Tom Ledbetter, Associate Vice Provost of Midlands Technical College, and Michael Rowe read the proclamations.
Awards were presented to those business leaders and community service leaders in the European community that have made a difference to the midlands and to the South Carolina economy. Award winners were:
- Heidi Chavous, Community Service Award;
- Maria Palacio, Creative Art in Business Award;
- Steve Rubin, Creative Business of the Year Award
- Natallia Ochocki, Business of the Year Award;
There were exhibits depicting the cultures of Spain, France, Russia, and Germany.
There was also instrumental guitar music and a reception with traditional foods from France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and the Mediterranean.