Early voting has begun in South Carolina, extends until June 10
South Carolina’s primary election is June 14. Currently, because of new, early voting laws, South Carolina voters can cast their vote early in the primary, until June 10, excluding Saturday, June 4, and Sunday, June 5.

New legislation offers all registered voters the option to participate in early, in-person voting. The new law guarantees two weeks of early voting before elections or three days for run-off elections.
Early in-person voting
Polling places will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and early voting polling locations in Richland and Lexington County are as follows:
Vote in Lexington County
- County Voter Registration and Elections Office: 605 West Main Street, Suite C, Lexington, SC 29072
According to the new law, all registered voters have this early, in-person option, and they do not need to provide an excuse or reason for why they are voting early, as was the case previously had. A Photo ID or voter registration card is still required.
To Vote by Mail-in ballot:
- Under the new law, voters qualified to receive mail-in ballots include:
- Voters with disabilities
- Voters 65 years of age or older
- Members of the Armed Forces and Merchant Marines of the United States, their spouses, and dependents residing with them
- Voters admitted to hospitals as emergency patients on the day of an election or within a four-day period before the election
- Voters who, for one of the following reasons, are unable to vote in person on any day of the early-voting period or on Election Day:
- Employment obligations
- Attending sick or physically disabled persons
- Confined to jail or pretrial facility pending disposition of arrest or trial
- Absent from their county for any reason
Visit scvotes.gov/early-voting for more information.