Drop-in held to honor departing Mayor Bobby Horton

A Drop-In was held for West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton Wednesday. It was at the West Columbia City Hall. Horton, who did not run for reelection, is leaving office after three terms as mayor.
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“It’s been a pleasure to serve you,” Horton said of his 23 years in elected office, as a councilman and mayor. He said decisions are not always easy to make, “But people expect you to lead. You do what’s right and you don’t have to worry.”
Horton credited staff for the accomplishments that have transpired in his tenure. “It’s the people who work for the City of West Columbia, not elected officials. We let the staff do their jobs.”

West Columbia City Administrator Brian Carter presented Horton with a rocking chair to put on his porch for visitors to come by his house to talk to the mayor.
Melissa Sprouse-Browne, chairwoman of the West Columbia Beautification Foundation, said Horton “has been an inspiration to all of us.” She presented him with two plants as a gift.