1 Chamber

Dominion’s Royce Shannon speaks at Chamber Breakfast

Royce Shannon was the guest speaker at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce’s November Business and Breakfast Meeting, Tuesday. Shannon is the Manager of Columbia Electric Operations for Dominion Energy. The meeting was held at Stone River in West Columbia.

Shannon spoke about Dominion’s Energy Wise Program. Dominion encourages ratepayers to explore ways to reduce energy use, and save money in the process. Dominion has programs to help customers replace light bulbs and there are appliance recycling rebates, among others.

Royce Shannon- C-WC Chamber photo.

Dominion offers: incentives, rewards, and energy-saving tips for residential and business customers. Link to https://www.dominionenergy.com/south-carolina/save-energy

Dominion also offers energy cost assistance, said Shannon. Find out more at: https://www.dominionenergy.com/assistance

Scam calls have increased during the COVID) pandemic, Shannon said.

“We will never call you and demand payment over the phone,” he said. Shannon also said scammers will ask for your Social Security Number.

SAFE Federal Credit Union sponsored the breakfast.

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