
Davis Orthodontics donates to Lexington 2 Schools

Davis Orthodontics has made a donation to several Lexington 2 schools. In all, the contribution was $1,950. A $500 donation was made
Lisa Davis, left, Dr. Ed Davis, and Megan Carrero. 

(each) to Fulmer and Northside Middle Schools.

Dr. Ed Davis of Davis Orthodontics in West Columbia, handed the checks to Fulmer Principal Megan Carrero  and Northside Principal Lisa Davis, Tuesday, at Northside.
The balance of the $1,950 ($950) is going to Airport High, Brookland-Cayce High, Busbee Creative Arts Academy, Pine Ridge Middle, Saluda River Academy for the Arts, and Davis Early Childhood Center for Technology.
The donation is a result of a $50 donation per Lexington 2 student who got braces over the summer. Davis said he has plans to make the donation again.

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