COVID hospitalizations declined this week at Lexington Medical Center
COVID has been bad news since the first case was reported. The recent spike in cases has been alarming. But the trend of hospitalizations this week at Lexington Medical Center shows a decline from day-to-day.
On the hospital’s Facebook page, LMC publishes a graphic showing the number of COVID hospitalizations and the number in ICU. The hospital stresses that most of the COVID cases it is treating are of unvaccinated patients.
Click here to see LMC’s Facebook page
Last Friday (Sept. 10) there were 158 hospitalized with COVID at LMC. On that day there were 49 in ICU with COVID. On Tuesday (Sept. 14) there were 145 at LMC with COVID and 40 in ICU.
By Thursday (Sept. 16) the number with COVID at LMC was down to 137 and 38 were in ICU. There was one COVID death reported by LMC, Thursday. Usually the hospital reported three of more deaths a day in the course of a week.