Coroner identifies man who died after his vehicle hit a tractor-trailer on Platt Springs Road
March 14, 2024||Comments Off on Coroner identifies man who died after his vehicle hit a tractor-trailer on Platt Springs Road|NEWS, Social Media
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a tractor-
trailer vs vehicle accident in the 4900 block of Platt Springs Road near Winchester Drive in the West
Columbia area of Lexington County at approximately 4:25 a.m., Thursday.
According to Fisher, Mr. Dakotah Troupe Turner, 28, of Lexington was traveling westbound on
Platt Springs Road when he struck a tractor-trailer attempting to turn eastbound onto Platt Springs
Road. Mr. Turner was pronounced dead at the scene.
The Lexington County Coroner’s Office and South Carolina Highway Patrol continue to investigate the