Coroner identifies 21-year-old who died in Lexington County motorcycle crash
January 27, 2024||Comments Off on Coroner identifies 21-year-old who died in Lexington County motorcycle crash|NEWS, Social Media
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a
motorcycle accident near the 63 mile-maker of Interstate 20 in the Columbia area of Lexington County
at approximately 10:24 p.m. on Friday.
According to Fisher, Mr. Patrick Riley Prewitt, 21, of Lexington was traveling westbound when
he went off the right side of the highway and hit the guard rail. Mr. Prewitt, who was wearing a helmet,
was pronounced dead at the scene.
The South Carolina Highway Patrol and the Lexington County Coroner’s Office continue to investigate
the incident.