Construction of West Columbia’s Enabling Park is progressing

Rising up from the ground, across from West Columbia’s Riverwalk is the new Enabling park.
“You can see the walls, outlining the shape of the park,” said West Columbia City Councilman Tem Miles. He is eagerly anticipating the park’s opening. Miles has a daughter with special needs, and Miles is Mayor Pro-Tem. The park is being built in the district he represents.
“I go down to the park site every afternoon,” Miles said. “I’m very excited with the progress they are making. They are about to pave one of the parking areas. It’s starting to look like it’s all coming together.”

The idea behind the park is to bring families together allowing children with and without disabilities a play space to be used together. Children of all abilities can interact with each other and be free to play, exercise, and have fun. Play is a critical part of physical, emotional, mental, and social development for every child. The park will include features to increase accessibility for those who use wheelchairs or walkers. There will be considerations for those who have limited vision or vision impairment.
And the aesthetics are attractive. Miles said the Riverwalk area, including the park site offers one of the best views in the Midlands. “It’s unbelievable,” he said. “The new enabling park will just provide more access to the river, and Riverwalk.” He also described West Columbia’s Riverwalk as a crown jewel.”
Miles said he anticipates the Enabling Park will be highly popular. And there is a way for anyone to become a part of it. The West Columbia Beautification Foundation is selling a limited number of commemorative bricks to be placed in the Enabling, Park.

Bricks will be engraved with your custom message and mini-bricks with the same message make a great gift. To order your engraved brick go to: http://www.brickmarkersusa.com/donors/cwcb.html
“It is a very unique park,” said Beautification Foundation Chairwoman Melissa Sprouse-Browne. “There is nothing else like it.”
Sprouse-Browne also said buying a brick, that will be placed in the park, is a chance to honor a family member or a loved one. “It’s a permanent memorial,” she said. “It’s also a great way for a business to show its support of the park.”
The Enabling Park is not only of local interest, it will draw visitors from all over. It is partially funded by a Connected Communities grant from the Central Carolina Community Foundation via the West Columbia Beautification Foundation. Also, State Sen. Nikki Setzler and Rep. Micah Caskey presented the City of West Columbia with $250,000 in state funding to help build the park.
“The Enabling Park is a first-class effort,” said Miles. “It will bring a lot to West Columbia’s River District when it’s completed. It’s just another sign of all the good things going on in our city.”