Construction crew begins work to repair Wilton Road in Springdale
“I can barely believe it, either, but work is finally underway on Wilton Road,” wrote Rep. Micah Caskey on his Facebook page Monday. He also posted a photo of a crew working on Wilton Road.
“I’m thrilled the construction has begun,” said Caskey when contacted. ” I’m praying that the weather holds and the actual work will go faster than the paperwork did.”
The Springdale road was severely damaged in the Flood of 2015 when a dam adjacent to the road collapsed. Wattling Road is to its west and I-26 and Rainbow Drive are to its east.
In late July, the S.C. Department of Transportation’s Tony Edwards, program manager for the Wilton Road Project, said the plan is to have the road repaired by summer of 2020.
Since it was damaged, disputes over ownership of property and the permission to work on the site beside the road have delayed restoration. But those issues have been resolved.