City of West Columbia launches Civic Web Portal
The City of West Columbia’s website has been updated to include a Civic Web Portal, to help residents connect to municipal agendas and minutes. The new feature makes it easier for the public to get information and request service.
With the CivicWeb Portal, users can incorporate any electronic communication device to search through the city’s archive of documents for information by keyword.
The site is mobile friendly. In addition, an E-updates feature will expand the capabilities of the city to send meeting notifications/updates to the public. The portal also allows people to report issues regarding parks and streets, code enforcement, sanitation, and zoning.
The CivicWeb Portal is linked to the existing website (www.westcolumbiasc.gov), but can also be accessed directly by visiting https://westcolumbiasc.civicweb.net
As agendas and minutes are posted to the portal, subscribers will receive an email notifying them of the updated documents and the link in which to view them.