City of West Columbia Independence Day Office Closing, Sanitation Changes, and Fireworks Information
The City of West Columbia City Hall will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day. Regular hours will resume on Wednesday, July 5.
Anyone receiving sanitation services normally scheduled for Tuesday, July 4, will be picked up on Wednesday, July 5. For the most up-to-date sanitation information, download the WeCo Info App on Apple or Android or look up the address on the City’s website www.westcolumbiasc.gov/sanitation-recycling.
The City ordinance allows for the discharging or shooting of fireworks on July 4, Independence Day, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 11:00 PM ONLY. Please refrain from discharging fireworks at any other time. The West Columbia Police Department’s non-emergency phone number is 803-794-0721.