City of West Columbia getting new equipment to improve garbage collection and clean-up
The City of West Columbia’s Public Works Department has been working to overcome obstacles incurred caused by COVID, including parts and equipment shipping delays. To combat issues with yard waste and household waste collection, West Columbia City Council approved special funding to purchase two additional packers, a one-arm bandit truck, a leaf truck, and a street sweeper.
The street sweeper arrived on Thursday. The two new packers will arrive at the end of June, the leaf truck in August or September, and the one-armed bandit truck in January. With the additional equipment arrival, residents should expect a more routine pick-up. The city will also begin notifications on the WeCo Info App for yard trash delays, in addition to the current notifications for household garbage and recycling schedule changes.
“We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through the equipment problems that have prevented us from providing the speedy excellent service that our citizens are used to. I am thankful that we received the first piece of equipment from our emergency appropriations. We are hopeful to have the remaining new equipment soon and to get it deployed on the streets so we can get caught up with your sanitation needs,” said Mayor Tem Miles.
Assistant City Administrator of Public Operations Jamie Hook said, “I would like to thank City Administration and Council for approving the purchase of three new garbage trucks, a leaf truck, and a street sweeper in a time of need. This equipment will help the efficiency of the department as we continue to battle issues with the supply chain.”
To sign up for notifications about sanitation changes, city news, and other information via text, email, phone call, and/or the WeCo Info App, go to www.westcolumbiasc.gov/sanitation-recycling and input your address.