The Cayce Department of Public Safety is pleased to report that the minor child, NERIAHNERIAH JACKSON
JACKSON, has been safely returned to her mother and TRAVIS JACKSON is in custody.
At approximately 4 p.m., Mr. Jackson returned the child to her mother at a neutral location in the city limits of West Columbia. Cayce DPS investigators were assisted by West Columbia Police Department and monitored the incident. After the child was safely in the custody of her mother, Mr. Jackson was arrested without incident on unrelated charges. Now that the child has been returned, Cayce DPS investigators will shift their focus to Mr. Jackson’s actions over the last 18 hours and what, if any, charges may be filed.
Chief Byron Snellgrove ensured that additional resources and personnel were assigned to this investigation from the beginning; and the incident came to a peaceful conclusion because of the hard work by the Officers involved. Chief Snellgrove would also like to thank the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED), the West Columbia Police Department and our media partners for their involvement today