Chick-fil-A offers child car seat check, Wednesday, with Lexington Police
The Lexington Police Department, in an effort to promote child passenger seat safety, is offering a child seat check. It’s scheduled for Wednesday morning.
Child Passenger Seat Technicians will be available from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the parking lot of Chick-fil- A Saluda Pointe, 4295 Sunset Blvd. in Lexington.
Chick-fil- A Saluda Pointe will be providing coffee and a coupon for a free Chick-fil- A sandwich to those who come and have their child’s car seat checked.
Officers, who are certified CPS Technicians, will be checking to make sure car seats are installed correctly and instruct parents on the best passenger seat types for their child’s age and weight range. CPS Technicians will also make sure a car seat has not been recalled or in need of replacement. A child’s safety while riding within a vehicle is always important and making sure that their car seat is installed correctly is easy for a CPS Technician to check.
Chief Terrence Green stated “The numbers show that at least eight out of every ten child seats checked are improper in some way. An improperly installed child seat could jeopardize the safety of a child during a collision and this highlights the need for parents, grandparents, and guardians to take advantage of our free child seat check events. Ten minutes of your morning could make the difference for a child’s safety.”
This event continues a series of bi-monthly events organized by the Lexington Police Department throughout this year to highlight the importance of properly installed child passenger seats in all vehicles where children ride.