Chamber Chat offers tips on communication in the Latino community

Tips for communicating with members of the Latino community was the topic of Chamber Chat Wednesday.
Vanessa Mota, of Mota Intellectual Services, spoke about eliminating the stress when dealing with clients who mostly speak a foreign language.
Mota said the number of Latino businesses and clientele is growing in the Cayce-West Columbia area.
Mota also teaches communication with Latinos who may be clients. She said understanding the culture helps in the quality of services for businesses.
Chamber Chat was held at the Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber of Commerce on 12th St, Cayce.
Mota will be teaching a Basics in Spanish course for business and professionals, next Monday (Sept. 12.) It’s from 8:30 until 9:30 p.m. at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber.
For more info call: 803-220-6372 or 803-605-9658.