Cayce’s Guignard Park is reopened
A Grand Reopening ceremony at the park off of Knox-Abbott Drive was held Saturday
Cayce Mayor Elise Partin, Councilwoman Tara Almond, City Manager Rebecca Vance and Assistant City Manager Shaun Greenwood were at the park Saturday for the reopening. Local Photo Artist Charles Hite was at the park on Saturday, too.
The banks of the stream that runs through the park have been stabilized with a new retaining wall. The park has been upgraded esthetically and structurally.
“I’m satisfied with the outcome,” said Vance. “It should be good for another 50 years.”
She also said work on the park was slowed by bad weather, including lots of rain.
Pamme Eades is a member of the Cayce Woman’s Club and the Cayce Avenues Neighborhood Association. Both were represented at the reopening. Eades said she likes the fact that the old bricks that were in the park before were used in the redo.
With the upgrades the park is now ADA compliant, with new benches, picnic tables, and trash cans. The park also has a new picnic shelter. Bicycle racks were placed in the repaved parking lot, too.