Cayce-West Columbia Lions take Riverbank students on a shopping spree

The Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club thinks kids are important.
So members of the C-WC Lions Club, earlier this month, took students from Riverbank Elementary School on a shopping spree. Many teachers and administrators, along with some Riverbank students went on the trip. The Lion’s have been conducting the spending trips for eight years.
Chris Pricenor, an organizer of the trip to the West Columbia Walmart, said each student gets $150 to spend. They spend $130 on clothes, and they got $20 to buy themselves something. The kids also got to eat at McDonald’s.

Pricenor said the Lions’ shopping trip is very fulfilling for the members of the club. The C-WC Lions also test thousands of Lexington Two students for sight, but many Lions said the shopping spree is of one the most satisfying projects the Lions do.
“Because you can see the look on their faces, “said Lion Bill Mooneyhan. “That’s so rewarding.”
“It’s something that will always warm your heart,” said Charlene Frye, Lions Club secretary.
The students on the trip are were recommended by the school’s staff. Some of them or dealing with challenging situations in their homes.
Frye said it’s a chance to show that someone is concerned about them and the situations some of them may be encountering.
In addition to the trip to the store, the Lions bought breakfast and lunch for the students.