Cayce-West Columbia Lions perform eye exams for Saluda River students
October 10, 2019||Comments Off on Cayce-West Columbia Lions perform eye exams for Saluda River students|NEWS

Pictured are SRAA School Nurse Stephanie Sturkie, Richard Brinkley, Bill Mooneyhan, John Anderson and Ray Guess.
The Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club performed eye screenings and hearing tests for hurdreds of students at Saluda River Academy for the Arts last week.
The Lions make their way through Lexington Two Schools perfoming the tests. In all the Lions will screen 4,000 students through out the year, said Bill Mooneyhan of the Lions Club.
The children also got a visit from a dog, who helped calmed them before getting their exams.
Pictured are SRAA School Nurse Stephanie Sturkie, Richard Brinkley, Bill Mooneyhan, John Anderson and Ray Guess.