Cayce wants Gov. Henry McMaster to immediately issue a statewide mandatory Shelter-in-Place Order

Cayce City Council has unanimously approved a resolution that calls for Gov. Henry McMaster to immediately issue a statewide mandatory Shelter-in-Place Order to fight COVID-19.
Council supports the order “for the health and well-being of Cayce residents and all South Carolinians.”
A release from Cayce Spokeswoman Ashley Hunter, notes that from March 13 until March 27, the number of CIVID-19 cases in the state has grown from 33 to 539.
There have been 13 deaths related to the coronavirus. and there is a backlog of 1,800 tests.
The release reads: “While we applaud the Governor’s efforts to ask visitors traveling to our state from “hotspots” to self-quarantine, it’s not enough. SCDHEC has long confirmed that we have “community spread” and not just new cases from outside the state. The current orders are simply not enough.”
“Instead of risking lives while letting the economy limp along with patchwork solutions, the Governor can implement orders that are consistent and far-reaching especially as the NC Governor has just done so. If our Governor continues to avoid taking swift action that will protect our citizens and possibly avoid a long-term economic impact, then the City of Cayce will continue to consider a local shelter-in-place ordinance,” stated Cayce Mayor, Elise Partin.
The City of Cayce will also lend assitance, according to the release.
“Cayce Mayor Elise Partin and the members of the Cayce City Council will be reaching out to businesses and residents asking for how COVID-19 is impacting their health, their family and their day-to-day life,” according to the release. “This information will help council thoroughly weigh options and take appropriate action that will best protect its residents, businesses and visitors.”