Cayce singer, song writer, Ken McMurray, loves music and he keeps going after it
Cayce singer and songwriter Ken McMurray has not hit it big, but that won’t stop him.
“I love playing music and I love writing songs,” McMurray said. He has been at it for more than 20 years and he’s still going strong.
McMurray will play The Taylor Boys 17th Annual Christmas Extravaganza at The Senate (1022 Senate St.) in Columbia on Dec. 17. It’s a benefit for Toby’s Place and the Oliver Gospel Mission.
McMurray, who sings classic rock and is known as “Moon Pie” in some circles, records regularly. You can see his song “No Church on Sunday” on YouTube (embedded below). It’s an objection to the strict COVID lockdowns.
McMurray works in the studio with DB Bryant of Winnsboro. He’s not making a living at music, but he is having a blast. And over the years, he has polished his stage pressence.
“I’ve had some great times and I’ve played with some great musicians,” he said.
In addition to his work as a front man, McMurray writes songs.
“I’ve been to Nashville where you go to seminars and pitch the songs you’ve written,” he said. “You hope one will get picked up and make you famous.”
Until the stardom catches him, McMurray works as a manager at Printgear in West Columbia.
“I love working in music and I’m going to keep doing it as long a I can,” he said. See Ken perform “Gimme Shelter” (Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ffnSlaGvEQ) and his song “No Church on Sunday” (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT7LnMwHrUU) below: