Cayce Public Safety looking for armed robbery suspect

The Cayce Public Safety Department is looking for an armed robbery suspect. He is a black male, approximately 5’9 – 6’0 feet tall and 180-200 lbs.
He has a distinguishing burn mark or birth mark on right check and was last seen wearing a dark sweatshirt, blue jeans and a black hat.
The subject entered the Corner Pantry at 2931 Charleston Hwy in Cayce at 9:01pm on November 22nd. Subject grabbed his waist area as to indicate he had a gun and went behind the counter to obtain the money from the clerk. The subject then went back around the counter and approached a customer again grabbing his waist indicating he had a gun and took a wallet from the customer.
He left the scene in the customer’s black F-150 pick-up truck, which has now been recovered in the Lloydwood Subdivision in Lexington County.