Cayce public buildings closed to the public

The City of Cayce, in a release said it prides itself on excellent services and communication to its citizens, businesses and visitors; their safety, as well as that of city employees.
To that end, in conjunction with Governor McMaster’s Emergency Order, the City of Cayce is implementing the following safety provisions effectively immediately:
- Cayce public buildings, including City Hall, the Cayce Department of Public Safety, the Cayce Historical Museum and the Municipal Court buildings will be closed to the public. While many payments and forms can be completed online and/or mailed in, our drive through window at City Hall will remain open to accept payments and applications related to utilities, building permits and business licenses.
- Municipal Court proceedings have been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later time. Letters will be mailed with new court dates and times. Court payments will only be accepted online or via mail. Any payments not processed will be automatically continued.
- The Cayce Riverwalk and Timmerman Trail will remain open at this time; however, all City Parks are closed.
- All water, sewer and sanitation operations will operate as normal at this time. Sanitation will remain on their regular schedule and all water/sewer service terminations for non-payment will be suspended.
- All Cayce events to include committees, board and foundation meetings and events scheduled for the 12,000 Year History Park are cancelled.
- City Council’s regularly scheduled meeting for March 18, 2020 will proceed, however, the public is encouraged to follow strict CDC guidelines if planning to attend.
The above measures are being taken to help limit employee-to-employee and employee-to-public contact.
Specific Public Safety Provisions:
- In order to limit the exposure of Public Safety Personnel during the performance of their duties the only law enforcement calls that will be responded to are crimes in progress, previously occurred crimes of violence or other emergency calls as needed. All other reports will be taken over the phone.
- Firefighters responding to medical calls will only respond to calls that are deemed to be urgent or emergencies. Firefighters will screen for COVID-19 on all medical calls and will take precautionary measures to protect themselves and the public.
Important Safety Precautions:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Stay home when sick.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue and put it in the trash immediately.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Avoid contact with sick people.
Important Phone Numbers/Information:
- City of Cayce – 803-796-9020
- Cayce Department of Public Safety (non-emergencies) – 803-794-0456
- Cayce Water and Sewer – 803-550-9542
- Cayce Municipal Court – 803-550-9550.
- Cayce Media Inquiries – 803-665-3676
- DHEC COVID-19 Care Line – 1-855-472-3432
- SC Virtual Healthcare Providers
- Grab and Go Meal Sites for School Age Children
- COVID-19 Information for Businesses
- Caring for our Elderly Population
- State Government Closings and Delays
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tips on Staying Well
Stay up-to-date with the City of Cayce by visiting our website, caycesc.gov, and following the City on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.