Cayce Planning Commission votes to deny first rezoning request from Cook Out on Knox-Abbott Drive
The City of Cayce Planning Commission, in a 4-3 vote Monday, denied a rezoning request from the developers of a Cook Out on Knox Abbott Drive.
The recommendation to deny the rezoning request will go to Cayce City Council. Council can either accept the planning commission’s recommendation or override it. The request is to rezone the property from RS-3 Single Family Residential and C-4 Highway Commercial to C-4 Highway Commercial.
The site being considered is at 1204 Knox-Abbott Drive, Cayce. That address is behind the Krispy Kreme.
The vote to deny the rezoning request came after a resident complaint that the business would bring late-night noise, traffic and lights, according to report on WLTX TV.
Click for link to story on WLTX-TV
In a June 16, letter from Attorney Robert F. Fuller, he stated that access to the Cook Out property will not include direct connectivity through the residential area of H Avenue in West Columbia and all barriers will be maintained. Fuller also stated there will be a vegetative buffer and all set-back requirements will be met as part of the Cook Out site plan.
The Cayce Planning Commission noted that Monday’s recommendation vote to deny the rezoning request only pertained to “the first” request regarding rezoning for the Cook out and no site development plans have been presented.