Cayce Department of Public Safety suspends search for man under bridge
At approximately 1 a.m. early Friday, the University of South Carolina police were executing a routine traffic stop on the Blossom Street bridge. At that time, a man was spotted briefly near the bridge railing.
Within seconds, the man was believed to have fallen or jumped from the bridge. The Cayce Department of Public Safety, USC, SLED, the City of Columbia and others worked through the night searching for the possible victim. The search resumed Friday morning at 7 a.m. and expanded to I-77.
The Cayce Department of Public Safety has now suspended the search, after completing a thorough and extensive search, with no finding and no report of a missing person at this time.
Ashley Hunter, City of Cayce spokeswoman, issued a press release related to the Friday morning.
If any additional information becomes available, we will continue to keep the public informed.