Cayce City Manager Tracy Hegler is guest speaker at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast

Cayce City Manager Tracy Hegler was the guest speaker at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast Tuesday. It was held at Cayce United Methodist Church.
Hegler said the City of Cayce has implemented a plan of strategic and wise growth. The she talked about the new residential units being built on the grounds at the historic Cayce Brickworks at the base of the Blossom Street Bridge.
The Indigo at Brickworks apartments are billed as the newest and hottest luxury apartment community to hit Cayce with skyline views and access to the Cayce Riverwalk. The apartments list for as much as $2,000 a month.
Hegler also said the 224 apartment units (formerly known as Treemont) across from the new development, just sold for more than $39 million. It is now called Advenir at One Eleven.
To lure investment to the Knox-Abbott corridor, Cayce has instituted a streetscaping initiative for a cost of about $7 million.
The plan includes sidewalk and major pedestrian safety improvements, with traffic signal arms; trees, sod and landscaping; brick plazas at intersections and light fixtures. “The streetscape plan is 95 percent complete,” Hegler said.
She said other improvements to the corridor include the new Brookland-Cayce High School arena and a $30 million waterline replacement project.
Hegler said Congaree Bluff, off of Know-Abbott, on the 12 miles of Cayce Riverwalk, offers 1,500-sq-ft homes for around 300,000. Concord Park is another residential development in Cayce.
To highlight Cayce’s State Street area, Hegler said the city has developed the Soiree on State event. The fourth Soiree is scheduled for April 25. Businesses to locate and State Street include Swatch Graphics and Piecewise Coffee. A new Starbucks has come to Knox-Abbott Drive, too.
A clay pottery art business, called State of the Art on State, is coming soon, Hegler said. The city is also developing an art lot, with parking and a spot for artists on State.
On Frink Street, Creations and Southern Essence Distillery is thriving.
In the 12th Street Extension area, Steel Hands Brewery, the Lexington School District Two Innovation Center, Lexington Medical park, Otarre Park apartments, the Cayce Tennis Center, the Domiunion Energy headquarters and the 12,000 Year History Park.