Cayce City Council wrestles with budget choices

Revenue for the City of Cayce’s $11.9 million general fund 2016-17 budget is more than $197,000 short.
At a special meeting Wednesday, city council members struggled to find answers, and a way to fund the shortfall.
A $3 increase in sanitation fees would close the gap. The monthly sanitation fee would go from $10.50 to $13.50 under that plan, but Councilman Skip Jenkins opposed such a jump.
“We’re not the only ones having hard times,” said Jenkins. He said a $1.50 increase in the fee may be a little more acceptable.
Councilman Phil carter said he hears from constituents that they are being “nickled and dimed” too much. But Councilwoman Tara Almond said the capital improvements included in the budget are part of the city’s five-year plan. It includes items like the new doors for the Fire Department bay.
City Manager Rebecca Vance said the doors – that have been on the building since the 1970s- are not safe and subject to breaking windows.
Vance also pointed out that the city is not proposing a property tax increase this eyar, or an increase in water service fees.
Vance and Mayor Elise Partin said that costs for sanitation and property taxes are considerably lower in Cyce than those expenses in neighboring municipalities.