Cayce City Council special election is in one week
Cayce is set to choose a new council member.
The special election to fill the unexpired term of City of Cayce District 4 Councilman Tim James is Sept. 15.
Phil Carter, Alex Mowery, and John Raley have filed to run for the Cayce Council District 4 seat.
It is a nonpartisan election and no party affiliation shall be placed on the ballot.
The council person elected will serve until Nov. 4, 2018, as the remainder of the term.
The precincts open for the District 4 seat for Cayce City Council are : Cayce No. 2 at Edwards Memorial Presbyterian Church; 1600 Summerland Drive; Edenwood at Claude A. Taylor Elementary School, 103 Ann Lane; and Olympia also at Edwards Memorial Presbyterian Church; 1600 Summerland Drive.
The polls open at 7 a.m. on election day and close at 7 p.m.