Cayce City Council meeting 6 p.m. Tuesday
The City of Cayce’s Regular Council Meeting is Tuesday, April 5,
6 p.m. at Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center, 1120 Fort Congaree Trail www.cityofcayce-sc.gov
ImageCall to Order
On the Agenda are:
Presentations and Proclamations
A. Presentation of Awards to Cayce Public Safety Officers
B. Recognition of Mr. Gabe Caldwell for American Flag Retirement Collection Box Eagle Scout Project
C. Approval of Proclamation — National Service Recognition Day
D Approval of Proclamation — Child Abuse Prevention Month
E. Presentation by Dee and Diane Pardue re Rental Registration Program
IV. Ordinances and Resolutions
Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 2016-05 Amending Section 6.10-1 (“Design Overlay District Creation”) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cayce — First Reading
Discussion and Approval of the Accommodation Tax Committee’s
Recommendation for Distribution of Funding for FYI 6-17
B. Discussion of Proposed FY2016-2017 Utility Fund Budget
VI. City Manager’s Report
Vi ll. Committee Matters
A. Approval to enter the following approved Committee Minutes into the City’s Record
Accommodations Tax Committee — March 31 , 2015
Planning Commission — January 25, 2016
Museum Commission — February 3, 2016 Events Committee — February 1 1, 2016
Board of Zoning Appeals — February 22, 2016
B. Appointments and Reappointments
Planning Commission — One (1) Position
Vi ll. Council Comments
Executive Session
A. Receipt of legal advice relating to claims and potential claims by the City and other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege by City Attorney and Bond Counsel
B. Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements between the City of Cayce and Lexington Two School District
x. Possible Actions by Council in follow up to Executive Session
XI. Adjourn