Cayce City Council is back in Council Chambers

Cayce City Council is finally back home.
On May 3, council met in its upgraded chambers for the first time since September. While the refurbishing of chamber was taking place, the five members of council met at the Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center on Ft. Congaree Trail.
The permanent council chambers is at the Cayce Municipal Complex, 1800 12th Street.
“It’s good to be back,” said Mayor Elise Partin. And the changes were evident.
“We had walls that were different,” said Mendy Corder, Cayce’s City Clerk. “We had two brick walls, one wall was paneled and another was sheetrock.” Corder said the brick walls were left for the character they add to the room, but the other two walls were done over in shreetrock so that they now match.
In addition to the walls, new carpet was installed and new ceiling tiles were placed in the room. The chamber hall also got new paint. The wood finish on the dais was redone and a new projector and screen were installed.
Corder, who was excited with the changes, said with the interior done, the outside of the building is next. And then there will be a chance for a little showing off.
“We’re going to get new landscaping,” she said. “And when it’s all done, we’re planning to have an open house.”