Cayce Beautification Foundation looking for artists to paint mural on Cayce Riverwalk under the Blossom Street Bridge
From the City of Cayce – The Cayce Beautification Foundation (a 501c3) in partnership with the City of Cayce is issuing a Call for Artists for an upcoming Riverwalk improvement project. We would like to commission a Mural.
Responding artists do not have to respond to each and every aspect of this Call.
This Call for Artists is being supported by the Cayce Beautification Foundation and the City of Cayce.
Mural Project Description
We believe that art can be transformative and the impact of murals has value beyond the art on the walls. It is a form of expression that gives voice to what is important in our community. The aim of this project is to bring art to public spaces by transforming empty walls into energetic and engaging spaces for the community to participate with and/or enjoy.
The exact size of the mural/s will be determined in collaboration with City staff, members of the Beautification Foundation and the artist. The Cayce Beautification Foundation at any point can decide to not proceed with the mural and at all times has final approval of the design of the mural/s. The following site has been chosen to receive the mural; however, the locations are subject to change. The Blossom Street Bridge
We would like to see different aspects of the City incorporated into the mural’s design. This includes but is not limited to the Guignard family Brick Works, the Cayce Beautification Foundation branding, potential sponsor recognition and anything that complements our existing Riverwalk and Arts District.
The overall budget for the mural is $10,000. This amount includes all costs related to the artists’ design and project management fees, subcontract and consultant costs, overhead costs, fabrication and installation of the art mural, liability and insurance costs as required, and all other costs associated with the mural project.
Other Improvements for the Cayce River Arts District Project Description
We welcome submissions from artists to propose other ideas for improving the Arts District and Riverwalk.
Background: The Beautification Foundation in partnership with the City is in the process of developing a mural on the Cayce Riverwalk underneath the Blossom Street Bridge, to build upon the momentum of our “previtalization” success and nurture the City’s vibrant arts community. This Call builds upon existing investment in arts and revitalization in this area.
The Cayce Beautification Foundation is planning to host a farm-to-table style dinner at the historic Guignard Brick Kilns in Cayce in October to raise money for the Foundation as well as the Blossom Street Bridge mural.
Public art is essential to the vision for the Cayce River Arts District along with the Riverwalk. Thus, the Beautification Foundation is commissioning artists to design and create a mural that will be visible to the public as they walk along the Cayce Riverwalk.
1. A narrative and drawing illustrating the concept, including supplemental information such as medium to be used.
2. An itemized budget to include the cost of all materials and supplies, design, overhead costs, fabrication and installation, liability and insurance costs, and artist stipend.
3. A timetable.
4. A maintenance plan and projected cost. The maintenance plan should provide recommendations for upkeep, specifically detailing the necessary steps for maintaining the piece and/or touch ups for 10 years after completion.
5. A resume and artist’s statement.
6. Supporting material such as examples of other works and/or reviews of similar work. Examples should describe size, materials, and location of other public works.
Responding artists must agree to the following:
Artists authorize the use of their renderings, sketches and photographs submitted with their proposal and photographs of the finished projects in publications about the project.
Burdens related to copyright shall be the full responsibility of the artist(s).
Submission of your work is your acknowledgement that the work represented is original; that you hold harmless the City of Cayce, sponsoring and participating organizations, their directors, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from any responsibility, personal liability, claims, loss or damage arising out of or in conjunction with participation.
Deadline and Submission Address
Proposals are due Friday, August 26, 2022 at noon (EST) via email to Mendy Corder, [email protected] and the selected artist/s will be notified by Monday, September 12, 2022
Evaluation and Award Process
Each proposal will be reviewed by the Cayce Beautification Foundation. Selected artists will be notified by Monday, September 12, 2022.
Artists do not have to respond to every aspect of this call. All of this work may be commissioned to one or multiple artists.
Issuance of this RFP and receipt of proposals does not commit the City to award a contract. The City reserves the right to postpone receipt date, accept or reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP, or to negotiate with any of the artists submitting an RFP, or to cancel all or part of this RFP.
Panel Selection Criteria
The review panel will consider the following factors for each proposal:
Ability to meet the project’s artistic goals
Ability to collaborate with clients
Ability to meet the Project Timeline
The proposed budget for the work
Questions: Contact Mendy Corder at [email protected] or (803) 550-9557