Social Media

Fall time change is marked by West Columbia’s popular Fall Back Fest, businesses love the large crowd it attracts

Standard time returned in West Columbia on Sunday at 2 a.m. When we turned our clocks back an hour, daylight savings time ended. The time change can be discombobulating. You may have had to update the clocks in your home and readjust your internal clock for bedtime and waking in the morning to get used […]


Lexington 2 schools holding several Veteran recognition events beginning Wednesday

Lexington County area veterans are invited to recognition events at Lexington Two schools for Veterans Day. The district, too, will host a free concert for the public at 6 p.m. November 11 at the Lexington Two Performing Arts Center, featuring Fort Jackson’s 282D Army Band. Following is a sampling of programs; contact schools for additional […]


AG Alan Wilson announces a 25-year sentence for a Lexington County man for trafficking cocaine

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announces that a Lexington County man has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for trafficking cocaine in Kershaw County. On October 31, Walter Goad was found guilty of trafficking more than 200 grams of cocaine in Kershaw County. In August of 2016, agents started investigating a suspected cocaine […]


Coroner identifies West Columbia man who died after being hit by a vehicle on I-26

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the person who died in a vehicle vs. pedestrian accident near the 111 mile-marker of Interstate-26 westbound, near West Columbia in Lexington County on Sunday, at approximately 7:49 P.M. According to Fisher, Mr. Clayton Wesley Barrs, 68, of West Columbia was walking eastbound in the westbound lanes when […]


Close to 1.5 million vote early in South Carolina, almost 17K vote early in West Columbia and more than 82K in Lexington County

The early voting period for the 2024 General Election in South Carolina began on Oct. 21, and ended Saturday (Nov. 2.) In that time, 1,471,663 votes were cast, according to the SC Election Commission. In Lexington County, 82,168 early voters were cast. That was the sixth most county in the state. There are 195,587 registered […]


US Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division will monitor South Carolina elections, says US Attorney

 United States Attorney Adair Ford Boroughs announced Friday that the Justice Department will monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws in South Carolina for the Nov. 5 general election. The Justice Department enforces federal voting rights laws that protect the rights of all eligible citizens to access the ballot. The department regularly deploys its staff […]


Gray Collegiate Varsity Cheer team places 1st in 3 competitions, State Qualifiers competition is Nov. 13

On Saturday, (Nov. 2) Gray Collegiate Varsity Cheer, led by Coach Griffin Woods, competed against 16 teams at the Debbie Rogers Cheer Classic at the Colonial Life Arena in Columbia. Gray Cheer won 1st place in the 4A division. Gray Collegiate Academy is in West Columbia. Also, on (Saturday) Oct. 26, Gray Varsity Cheer won […]


Lexington County Veterans Day Parade is Sunday, some roads will be closed in Lexington

Chief Terrence Green would like the greater Town of Lexington community to know that there will be road closures and detours during the afternoon of Sunday, November 3, before and during the Lexington County Veterans Day Parade in downtown Lexington. The road closures and detours will begin at 1:30 p.m. with the closure of West […]