Social Media

WECO “Love Local” Business Tour – Ronnie’s Jewelers, Creative Sewing Machine Center love to be a part of West Columbia’s Triangle City, in the shadow of Zesto

The Greater CWC Chamber of Commerce has partnered with West Metro News and the City of West Columbia to promote businesses that attract visitors to our community, and visitor/tourism opportunities. Triangle City in West Columbia is the home of two of the most-successful businesses in West Columbia. Ronnie Jeffcoat of Ronnie’s Jewelers, at 710 12th […]


Lexington Police work crashes on Augusta Road

The Lexington Police Department is reporting two collisions on Augusta Road (5200 block) Thursday around 6 p.m. One inbound lane and one outbound lane were blocked. Police asked drivers to please pay attention to the road and be respectful to other drivers as you make your way to your destination.Use caution as emergency personnel are […]


Free Movie Night – The Aviators- at Mt. Hebron UMC Church on Friday at 6 p.m. – A Pineview Ruritans Presentation

The Pineview Ruritan Club will present The Aviators at 6 p.m. on Friday (Nov. 8) at Mt. Hebron UMC Church at 3050 Leaphart Road, West Columbia. It’s Free Movie Night sponsored by All-American Heating and Air. There will also be free hot dogs and other refreshments.


Holiday Festivities Begin in West Columbia with Carraway Park Reopening and Santa’s Mailbox

Carraway Park at the Riverwalk has reopened after completing important repairs, and the City of West Columbia is excited to announce the return of Santa’s Mailbox! Located in Carraway Park at 212 Hudson Street, West Columbia, children can drop off their letters to Santa from now through December 24, 2024. For added convenience, postcards are […]


Russell Ott Campaign issues statement after winning SC Senate Seat Dist. 25

Surrounded by family, friends, and supporters, lifelong South Carolinian and State Representative, Russell Ott, proudly claimed victory Tuesday night in the race for State Senate District 26.  The district includes portions of Calhoun, Lexington, and Richland Counties and was held by longtime State Senator Nikki Setzler, who announced his retirement in January after serving for […]


REMINDER – R.H. Fulmer Middle School in West Columbia invites Veterans to its Veterans Day Recognition Program on Nov. 8

R.H. Fulmer Middle School in West Columbia invites all Veterans to a very special Veterans Day Recognition Program on Friday, Nov. 8, at  9:30 a.m. in the school’s gymnasium. There will be doughnuts and coffee available upon arrival, and students will present a special program just for veterans. All veterans in the area and their […]


Lexington County teacher charged with assaulting students

A teacher at Irmo Middle School is accused of assaulting two students at the school. Jermaine Cornelius Singletary, 51, is charged with two counts of third-degree assault, according to arrest warrants. “When we became aware of these two incidents, we opened our investigation and determined Singletary allegedly assaulted two students on two separate occasions,” Lexington […]


Rep. Russell Ott wins race for Dist. 26 Senate seat, Mary Burkett and Craig Aull are new members to Lexington 2 School Board

Russell Ott, a Democrat, defeated Republican Jason Guerry 50.29 percent to 49.57 percent for the SC Senate Dist. 26 Seat that was held by Sen. Nikki Setzler, according to the SC Election Commission. The top four vote recipients for the Lexington 2 School Board were: Craig Aull; Abbott Tre Bray; Mary Burkett; and Liz Chitty […]