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West Columbia closes some roads

  The following roads and areas are closed due to flooding, downed power lines, safety issues and/or downed trees: Riverwalk Park and Amphitheater Cofield Drive Terrace View Drive Kleckley Road 1600 Block of Goldfinch Lane Arehart Street Hummingbird Drive 900 Block of Center Street 400 Block of Center Street Woodland Drive (Power line down in […]


Thousands in Lexington County on list of “Unclaimed Money”

The Office of South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis has published a list of the names of people in Lexington County who have “Unclaimed Money” that is being held by the state. The names included here are in the amount of more than $1,000. There are 34 pages with the names of people in Lexington County on the […]


Crowds descend upon Gilbert for July 4th Peach Festival

Thousands of festival-goers filled the streets of Gilbert Monday for the annual Peach Festival. A parade, car show, rides booths and of course peach ice cream were featured. The Peach Festival is Lexington County’s largest.  


Spring has sprung in Cayce, West Columbia, Springdale

It’s been a cool spring, but that is changing this week. Highs are expected to get into the 90s. The long period of moderate weather has produced some beautiful flowers and foliage this time of the year. Here are some spring scenes from around the Cayce and West Columbia area. Click on photos below to […]


Parade of Lights brings the Christmas Spirit to Cayce-West Columbia

The Cayce-West Columbia Holiday Parade of Lights drew a robust crowd that enjoyed temperatures  in the 70s. The parade was comprised of more than 100 units. Parking lots along 12th Street in West Columbia were filled with parade entries. The street was three abreast in trucks, cars, jeeps, trailers, motorcycles, boats and buses. Here are some […]