Diego Lopez named Lexington 2 Student of the Month at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast

Diego Lopez was named Lexington 2 Student of the Month  at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Tuesday. Lopez is pictured with Chamber ED Richard Skipper, Lopez, Lex 2 Supt. Dr. Bill James and L2IC Director Joni Coleman.  Scurry is a Digital Art and Digital Design instructor. The breakfast was held at the new Lexington […]


Taste on the River is a big hit, draws largest crowd ever

It was a comfortable evening and the Stone River facility on the West Columbia Riverwalk was bright and alive with a full house, Tuesday evening. The large crowd came out for the third annual Taste on the River. It benefits the West Columbia Beautification Foundation. In three years “Taste” has become one of the top […]


Comet bus service serves West Columbia, Cayce says Executive Director John Andoh at Chamber Breakfast

John Andoh, the new Executive Director of the Comet, Columbia’s bus system, was the speaker at the Greater-Cayce-West Columbia Chamber February Breakfast, Tuesday. The breakfast was held at the new Lexington 2 Innovation Center in Cayce. Breakfast was prepared by the culinary arts students of the Lexington 2 Innovation Center. “We want to move the […]


Lt. Steve Wilcox of the Cayce Public Safety Department named Officer of the Month

Lt. Steve Wilcox of the Cayce Public Safety Department was named Officer of the Month at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Tuesday.  Wilcox is pictured with Andy Merkl, Vaughn Dozier, and Capt. Jimmy Gleaton of the Cacye DPS. The breakfast was held at the new Lexington 2 Innovation Center in Cayce. Breakfast was […]


Karen Scurry named Lexington 2 Teacher of the Month at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast

Karen Scurry was named Lexington 2 Teacher of the Month  at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Tuesday. Scurry is pictured with Chamber ED Richard Skipper, Scurry, Lex 2 Supt. Dr. Bill James and L2IC Director Joni Coleman.  Scurry is a Digital Art and Digital Design instructor. The breakfast was held at the new Lexington […]


Diego Lopez named Lexington 2 Student of the Month at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast

Diego Lopez was named Lexington 2 Student of the Month  at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Tuesday. Lopez is pictured with Chamber ED Richard Skipper, Lopez, Lex 2 Supt. Dr. Bill James and L2IC Director Joni Coleman.  Scurry is a Digital Art and Digital Design instructor. The breakfast was held at the new Lexington […]


Taste on the River is a big hit, draws largest crowd ever

It was a comfortable evening and the Stone River facility on the West Columbia Riverwalk was bright and alive with a full house, Tuesday evening. The large crowd came out for the third annual Taste on the River. It benefits the West Columbia Beautification Foundation. In three years “Taste” has become one of the top […]


Comet bus service serves West Columbia, Cayce says Executive Director John Andoh at Chamber Breakfast

John Andoh, the new Executive Director of the Comet, Columbia’s bus system, was the speaker at the Greater-Cayce-West Columbia Chamber February Breakfast, Tuesday. The breakfast was held at the new Lexington 2 Innovation Center in Cayce. Breakfast was prepared by the culinary arts students of the Lexington 2 Innovation Center. “We want to move the […]