New traffic pattern installed on Sunset Blvd. at I-20 Ramp

As part of the Corley Mill at Sunset Blvd. Gateway Improvements, effective Friday morning at 5 a.m., drivers exiting the I-20 westbound ramp (Exit 61) who wish to access Ginny Lane must now make a right turn at the traffic signal. The Lexington Police Department announced the change. Line striping and directional arrows will be […]


Renovated flex space coming to West Columbia’s Triangle City

Renovation is underway on 1205 D Avenue in Triangle City in West Columbia to create a new flex space. The former medical office building is being redeveloped by Joe E. Taylor Jr., the former S.C. secretary of commerce. “This new investment will be an upgrade to this commercial area of Triangle City,” said Taylor, who […]


Lexington 2’s Paola Adams named a National Parent Educator of the Year

A Lexington Two parent educator who works with the district’s STAR Family Partnership is the winner of a national award. Paola Adams has been named a National Parent Educator of the Year by Parents as Teachers, an organization whose programs work with parents as the first and most influential teachers and advocates for their children. […]


Lexington 2 part of program to allow online school to prevent make-up days

Lexington Two has been approved to use eLearning days for school make-up days, one of 10 additional districts approved to participate in the 2019-20 school year, the Education Oversight Committee announced this month. eLearning allows districts to continue lessons at home when classes on regularly scheduled school days are cancelled, as in the case of […]


Fulmer Middle School to reopen, Wood Elementary name change, New Bridge moved, school building update

From Dawn Kujawa, Lexington Two Communications Director The 2019-20 school year will bring changes for some Lexington Two schools. Among them: Fulmer Middle: Fulmer will be moving back to its newly renovated campus at 1614 Walterboro St., West Columbia, for the start of the new school year. Renovations added a second story to the school […]


Nephron Pharmaceuticals signs up more than 650 teachers to work in auxiliary role

Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation has introduced an educator program. As a part of it, local teachers and administrators are paid $21 an hour for much needed auxiliary support of company operations. Nephron is just outside of Cayce, in Lexington County. The mission is to provide secondary income to these individuals teaching future leaders; while helping Nephron […]


City of West Columbia Artisan Market opening soon – vendor registration info

The City of West Columbia is opening an Artisan Market – at the Interactive Art Park- this Fall. Colleen Otte is the city’s contact person for matters regarding the Artisan Market. The market is intended to be open every Saturday from September 14, until Saturday, November 23. The market will be open to the public […]


Mary Brooks, Christy Henderson receive resolution from West Columbia for education

The West Columbia Mayor and City Council presented Ms. Mary Brooks and Ms. Christy Henderson with a resolution, Monday, recognizing the Lexington Two Community Education Center for its service in the City of West Columbia and the city’s education community. Mayor Pro-Tem, Tem Miles- pictured- presented the award.